An Android application to fetch data about companies registered
in the Yandex Map company directory in the Moscow region.
The user enters search query into a search view in the toolbar.
The app uses Yandex Organisations RESTful API (
to fetch companies data in JSON format.
The response is parsed and data is cached into local NoSQL database.
The app calculates the distance between each found company and the user.
Information about the companies found is presented as a list
ordered by name or distance from the user.
The sorting order (by name or by distance) and the sorting direction (ascending
or descending) can be adjusted in settings.
The app uses Yandex MapKit to show the user's current location.
The app opens Yandex Maps app to display the companies satisfying the
search query or build a route to the chosen company.
The user can adjust the route type (pedestrian, public transport or by car)
and the type of map (satellite, ordinary etc.) in the settings.
The user can add companies to the favorites list.
To sum up, using this app the user can:
* Find the location and description of any company in Moscow by entering its name.
* Find out the distance between the user and each found company.
* See cached results of the previous search (when no network is available).
* Add to/delete from Favorites.
* Order by name or distance (ascending or descending).
* See all found companies on the map (via Yandex Maps).
* Adjust map type (ordinary, satellite etc.)
* See user current location (via MapKit).
* Build a route from user location to company location (via Yandex Maps).
* Adjust route type (pedestrian, public transport, car)
* Change the text font size of RSS items in the list and in individual article.